Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bread Sculpture

This is the team that put together this showpiece. It is made completely out off live dough, which means it is made out of yeast and thus have low control over how much and where is expands, and natural colors (lavander petals for the center of the flower, cheyenne pepper for the petals, and corn meal for the wheat stalks) We also used different techniques and types of bread to put it together, like baguettes, flatbreads, and carving. My group wanted the showpiece to look abstract and beautiful, and also look like on that could compete. This is completely edible.


  1. Hi Mark, I’d love to be in touch with you about judging a food artistry competition series for a major streaming service (and huge global brand). Each episode follows accomplished teams of food artists, pastry chefs and creatives who have a unique knack for sculpting and creating exquisite designs out of food. We’re looking for a well-rounded group of experts in the food industry for our judging panel; from Cordon Bleu executives, National Chef of the Year judges, esteemed food publication editors and some of the top chefs in the world, it’s important for us to be able to rely on experts like yourself who are at the top of their field. Let me know if you’re interested and I can send you more info re: network, production company, etc.

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